Safeguarding your Child
Own IT
A new app has been released by the BBC with the aim of protecting children from online abuse, including topics such as:
Considering how the use of certain words could be perceived by others
Deciding whether to share personal information on social media
Understanding how phone use late at night can affect well-being
Click on the links in the headings below for more information about keeping your child safe online
The Cyber Choices programme was created to help people make informed choices and to use their cyber skills in a legal way. ( More information and links are attached below)
This is a national programme co-ordinated by the National Crime Agency and delivered by Cyber Choices teams within Regional Organised Crime Units and Local Police Force Cyber Teams.
The aims of the programme are:
Explaining the difference between legal and illegal cyber activity
Encouraging individuals to make informed choices in their use of technology
Increasing awareness of the Computer Misuse Act 1990
Promoting positive, legal cyber opportunities
This website, developed by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, provides information for young people on how to stay safe online. Families can visit to access advice and support on how to keep children safe from sexual abuse, both online and off. Articles provide guidance on topics as diverse as: challenging harmful sexual attitudes and promoting positive behaviours; helping a child with autism negotiate life online; supporting a child who has been sexually abused; and dealing with a range of online issues such as sending nude selfies and viewing pornography. Users will find films, downloadable guides and useful links to support organisations.
Each of the parents’ topics includes a summary of what’s good, what’s bad and what parents can do to help their children stay safe.
In all areas of the site, there are prominent links to the CEOP ‘report abuse’ page where you can make a complaint or report a problem.CEOP Safety Centre (
Broken Friendship: tells about the impact of sharing online passwords, even with best friends.
Know IT All
Know IT All is to help students reflect on their use of communication technology, be aware of the dangers and develop safe and discriminating behaviour when using technology. Using a combination of animation, fictional stories, interactive quizzes and movies, the resource emphasises how young people can protect themselves from hazards online and how they can look after each other by behaving responsibly and not putting others at risk.
file-sharing, including issues relating to downloading music and video, and associated risks and legal issues.
Childnet International’s Kidsmart website has a section for young people aged 11 plus, dealing with mobiles, file-sharing, chat, trackback (for example, digital footprints) and privacy. It reinforces the SMART rules, and has additional sections for teachers and for parents and carers.
have. There is extensive information on how parents can help their children handle problems and encourage ‘cyberwellness’
Get Safe Online
Get Safe Online aims to provide expert advice for everyone to protect against internet threats. Although not specifically aimed at children and young people, there is a section titled ‘Resources for parents, teachers and young people’, which provides a number of helpful articles on topics such as: setting ground rules for children; protecting children from online threats; filtering internet content; and sharing a home computer.
There are also a number of interactive tools, such as ‘Create a personal security checklist’ and a ‘Take a risk-assessment quiz’.
Childnet’s Digizen site offers practical information, advice and resources designed to help schools, parents and carers understand the benefits and risks of young people’s use of technologies. Digizen is designed to look at how children and young people can use technology safely to change the world for the better.