
SPHERE stands for Social, Personal, Health, Ethics, Relationships and the Environment.

At Kingstone High School, we want to nurture and develop our students into well rounded individuals, who respect themselves, each other as well as the community and environment that they live in. We want students to believe in themselves, to acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses, so they can continue to learn from mistakes and to value everyone they meet daily, so see the good in people and to treat people with respect.

As a school, we believe our SPHERE curriculum plays an important role in helping students develop these values as well as preparing them for life beyond Kingstone when they leave.

The SPHERE curriculum is delivered across all years of the school in form groups by the student’s form tutor. These 30 minutes lessons take place on three mornings a week. They are further supported by a weekly year group assembly with regular guest speakers and two or three ‘drop down’ days a year. Recent guest speakers have included visits from the Police, Army, local colleges and businesses.

Below is an curriculum plan overview of the topics covered in each year group.